
My growing army now includes a lawyer, agents, a manager, a small trebuchet and a handful of archers.
It seems extravagant. But it's competitive out there.
Time to get something done, ya feel meh?
Get your guns. We're going out.
(all things butcherhouse and beyond)
Not being able to work was one of the terrible byproducts of his breakup with Ms. Lakshmi, Mr. Rushdie said. He has described the split as a “nuclear bomb dropped in your living room when you’re trying to work.”
In the end, he said, “A lifetime of discipline got me back to work.”
From CBS news article:
CBS News correspondent Byron Pitts met [Sgt. Carmelo Rodriguez III] two months ago. That once-buff physique had been whittled down to less than 80 pounds in 18 months by stage 4 melanoma. He was surrounded by family, including his 7-year-old son holding his hand...
When Sgt. Rodriguez was in Iraq, military doctors, he says, misdiagnosed his skin cancer. They called it "a wart."
Eight minutes after Pitts met Sgt. Carmelo Rodriguez, and CBS News was preparing to interview him, he died.
What I find so tiresome are all the comments on internet movie "fan"-sites. They quickly become a magnet for all these bitter souls bemoaning the end of all that is sacred.
PRODUCTION-COMPANY-A is moving forward with a remake of OLD-MOVIE. The script by WRITER-B is going out to potential directors.
Comments:Nooo! More evidence that Hollywood is creatively bankrupt and willing to eat babies fresh from the womb. Old-Movie is a modern classic and should never be touched.
GRAPHIC NOVEL has been snapped up by MOVIE-STUDIO-D.
FILMMAKER-X is set to adapt.
Comments:WHY??? Why do they let Filmmaker-X keep making movies!? Graphic Novel will get completely ruined. I may have to kill myself and my loved ones before this comes to pass.
MOVIE-STUDIO-G has greenlit a sequel to FRANCHISE.
FILMMAKER-Z will tackle WRITER-M's script.
Why would they try to make a sequel to Franchise?!? Filmmaker-Z is a hack and I've never heard of Writer-M.
This is a clear sign that there is no God. I can only pray for a nuclear holocaust to wipe out Hollywood. Everyone must die.
Openly gay, experimental filmmaker Todd Haynes burst upon the scene two years after his graduation from Brown University with his now-infamous 43-minute cult treasure "Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story" (1987). Seizing upon the inspired gimmick of using Barbie and Ken dolls to sympathetically recount the story of the pop star's death from anorexia, he spent months making miniature dishes, chairs, costumes, Kleenex and Ex-Lax boxes, and Carpenters' records to create the film's intricate, doll-size mise-en-scene. The result was both audacious and accomplished as the dolls seemingly ceased to be dolls leaving the audience weeping for the tragic singer. Unfortunately, Richard Carpenter's enmity for the film (which made him look like a selfish jerk) led to the serving of a "cease and desist" order in 1989, and despite the director's offer "to only show the film in clinics and schools, with all money going to the Karen Carpenter memorial fund for anorexia research," "Superstar" remains buried, one of the few films in modern America that cannot be seen by the general public. Now finally you have a chance to see this piece.
Christina was working at Fantasy Dolls as a stripper. Lavon Rowells got bored and went to go see her.Parenting was never so easy!
The police report says he told authorities: "The kids were sleepin so it didn't matter."