(all things butcherhouse and beyond)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Grisly End

... at Bear Stearns.
I'd worked there for 6 years before I landed the deal with Paramount in late 2006. I'd left that company on the best of terms. On such good terms that they welcomed me back when the writers strike derailed my writing career. Kept me on through a major round of layoffs in December.
Post-strike, I was hoping to stick it out there till I could get the writing career back on track and up to speed.
Of course, the company got fucked so hard and fast, everything changed over the course of one weekend. And yesterday, I got laid off.
There goes the safety net.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Night Fever


It seems almost absurd. More notable for the companies producing it than for the unknown who created it.
Stumbled on the news item this morning, at the day job, and did a spit-take.
I clicked on it with the vague expectation of reading some news on my own project that I didn't know yet. I guess in the process of them interviewing directors, this news just leaked in the natural manner in which stories leak in the industry.
It's a strange sensation, to see my work mentioned prominently on such a widely-read site. To be honest, I thought there'd be some sort of official announcement a long while ago. That didn't happen and I was fine being the little project that was flying under the radar.
Which makes this all the more jarring.
To be honest, I'm a little afraid of additional fanboy scrutiny. The "fans" can be a merciless lot. This is my first big break and I'm just trying to get my career rolling.
U P D A T E :
A "friend" just forwarded me this bitter piece of pre-emptive hate. I love how people are trashing something based entirely on a leaked description. For fuck sake.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I Can't Hear You!

Featuring "Barry Glibb" on lead vocals (with "Olivia Newton-Chong" among the "Women's Gibb" backing vocalists), TRAGEDY tore the house to pieces.
More than a mere cover-band, they reinterpreted the songs. Pitch-perfect sense of humor. And they just plain rocked.
Bought their album, "We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong" on the way out the venue. I cut together a little YOU TUBE video featuring their version of "How Deep is Your Love?", using a handful of pics I found off their MY SPACE pages:
I'm not entirely proud of the time it took me to cut that together, but I was inspired. We've got to pursue our creative impulses, no matter how frivolous. Plus, I've been kicking around the idea of shooting a documentary on the whole tribute-band world called "I Can't Hear You!"
Or maybe it could be a feature script...
(I really deserves to be a documentary, though.)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time!

Well, didn't you??
I've got a new theater agent. I'm not sure how much that changes anything but I would like to have some new work out there this year.
Been busying myself revising a little TV pilot about a bunch of killers. Latest draft has got some big changes that I think are needful.
And the buzz on the street is that Hollywood's getting back to speed, slowly/surely. I certainly hope so because my safe day job may not be so secure.
Been taking extra days off from work, to focus on writing and everything else.
We have got a lot of miles to cover this year, don't we?