
Nothing more reprehensible than a pig-fucking monkey.
No, sir. Not by a mile.
(all things butcherhouse and beyond)
Although it lasts just half an hour, this staging of a Beckett piece originally written for television is one of the most wholly satisfying nights I’ve spent at the theater this year. Remarkably, Mr. Neeson draws a transfixing portrait of a man on the edge of emotional collapse without speaking a single word.Samuel Beckett's "Eh Joe" is the reason I love theater. The reason I love the infinite possibilities of theater. And I haven't even seen the fucking show.
Wearing the inkblot-like mask he considers his true face, Rorschach has continued his one-man battle against crime long after superheroes became both detested and illegal. Rorschach’s actions and journal writings display a belief in moral absolutism and objectivism, where good and evil are clearly defined and evil must be violently punished. He has alienated himself from the rest of society to achieve these aims. Rorschach is described by Alan Moore as an extremely right-wing character.
I feel a little like Shelley Duvall in The Shining, chancing upon her husband's novel and finding it is comprised entirely of the line "All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy" typed over and over again. John Baxter wrote, in his unauthorised biography of Kubrick, "Most people attributed the purchase of Childwick to Kubrick's passion for privacy, and drew parallels with Jack Torrance in The Shining."I am a massive Kubrick fan. He was one of my heroes.
Apologies to all the non-gamers.
"When Jed's small Midwestern town is invaded by the combined forces of the Cuban and Russian armies, it's up to Jed to lead a small group of teenagers up into the mountains to hide like little bitches."WOLVERINES!
When we were first hanging out in 2006, we were just standing around a bunch of people. I go, ‘Axl, do you think you might get the record out? It would be a great time, now that we’re on tour and everything.’ He goes, ‘Oh. Great! Everybody! Sebastian has a great idea here, man. Guess what? Sebastian, should I put out a record? Maybe it would be a good idea for me to put out a fucking record! Hey everybody, listen to this! I never thought of that! That never came to me! Oh, great idea dude.’